Let’s Declare I decree and declare that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin and makes me worthy before God, in Jesus name. I decree and declare that as I partake of the Holy Communion, my body receives divine strength and healing, in Jesus name. I decree and declare that I overcome every attack of the enemy by the blood of Jesus. I decree and declare that the power of the Holy Communion recharges my spiritual life daily, in Jesus name. I decree and declare that I am protected from every plague, destruction, and evil by the blood of Jesus. I decree and declare that every sickness in my body is flushed out as I dine at the Lord’s table, in Jesus name. I decree and declare that I receive fresh fire, fresh anointing, and fresh power from the Holy Spirit. I decree and declare that the Holy Communion renews my intimacy with God and strengthens my faith, in Jesus name. I decree and declare that no evil shall befall me because I carry the mark of the blood of Jesus. I decree and...
Let Us Pray Father, thank You for laying down Your life on the cross of Calvary, for the salvation of my soul. Father, thank You for Your body that was broken for my healings and the shedding of Your blood for the remission of my sins. Father, thank You for the blessings in the Holy Communion services, thank You for the infilling of the Holy Spirit every time we partake of the Holy Communion. Father, please, let Your blood cleanse me from all my sins and cause every evil to pass over me, and my family, in Jesus’ name. Father, just as You did with the Israelites on the night the destroyer killed all the firstborns in Egypt, let Your blood grant me total victory over the enemies of my life and family, in Jesus’ name. Father, please, cleanse me of all unworthiness and make me worthy of drinking Your blood, in Jesus’ name. Father, please, let me experience Your resurrection power from within, and let my healings and deliverance be perfected, in Jesus’ name. Father, please, r...