So when He had finished washing their feet and had put on His garments and had sat down again, He said to them, do you understand what I have done to you?
—John 13:12
I believe that only secure people can be true servants. Jesus was able to put on a servant's towel and wash the feet of His disciples because He knew Who He was, where He came from, and where He was going.
He had no fear and nothing to prove, so He was free to serve. Many people in our society need a high position to make them feel that they have worth and value. Being a servant is often looked on as a low job, but in God's mind it is the highest position that exists. Being a true servant begins with a humble heart, and that is a heart and spirit that is acceptable to God. No matter what our natural employment may be, our call from God is to serve Him and others.
In washing the disciples' feet, Jesus gave them an example of how they should live, and told them that if they would serve others, they would be blessed and happy to such a degree that they would be envied (see John 13:17). When we serve one another, we become part of one another. We experience the true meaning of love. Jesus was the highest of all, yet He humbled Himself and became a servant. Are you willing to follow His example?
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