Let’s Declare
I decree and declare that in this new month of July, all my prayer request shall be answered in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a faithful giver, obeying God’s instructions to give and receiving unlimited blessings in return in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a tither, bringing my tithe into God’s storehouse and experiencing the windows of heaven pouring down blessings upon me in Jesus name.
I decree and declare that God is my source, providing for me abundantly as I obey His instructions to give in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a blessing to others, sowing seeds that yield unlimited returns and glorify God in Jesus name.
I decree and declare that I will not miss opportunities to experience God’s unlimited blessings by disobeying His instructions to give in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a obedient servant, following God’s leading in my giving and receiving abundant rewards in Jesus name.
I decree and declare that my giving is a act of worship, honoring God and trusting in His provision in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a conduit for God’s blessings, sowing seeds that bring unlimited returns and glorify Him in Jesus name.
I decree and declare that my obedience to God’s instructions on giving is a key to unlocking His unlimited blessings in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
I decree and declare that I am a recipient of God’s unlimited blessings, experiencing His abundance and provision in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
I will not suffer any loss, either physically or spiritually. My destiny is forever hidden in the secret place of the Most High and I abide under the shadow of Almighty in the mighty name of Jesus.
My testimony is forever permanent, weeping or gnashing of teeth is not my portion, in Jesus’ name
Go ahead and celebrate God for this declarations
We return all Glory to you Alone.
God bless You!
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