RHAPSODY OF REALITIES FRIDAY, 31ST AUGUST. HIS KINGDOM IN OUR HEARTS Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14). Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He said the time was fulfilled; and that the Kingdom of God was near (Mark 1:15). What is the Kingdom of God? First, the Kingdom of God isn’t a place; it’s the reign of God, where He becomes Lord; where He becomes the Boss, and rules; where He’s in charge, and expresses Himself—His glory and His goodness. That’s why Jesus said when they tell you “the Kingdom of God is over there,” or “it’s over here, don’t believe it, because the Kingdom doesn’t come by observation; it’s within you (Luke 17:20-21). God’s plan is to set up His Kingdom in the hearts of men; but it’s a spiritual kingdom. Recall when Jesus was brought before Pilate, in John 18:3...