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OPEN HEAVEN 23 AUGUST 2024 MEMORISE: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15

OPEN HEAVEN 23 AUGUST 2024 READ: Acts 20:28-31:

28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.


A shepherd can fail his sheep in two major ways. One of the ways is by not giving them food and making them starve to death, while the other is by not protecting them from predators.

If you are a leader in the body of Christ whom God has placed over some of His sheep, you must ensure that you preserve them by feeding them with the accurate word of God and protecting them from false teachers who are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In Acts 20:28, shepherds are told sternly to feed the flock in their care. If you are not teaching the people that God has put in your care the true and complete word of God, you are killing them spiritually, and God will not spare you for that.

No human being can live long if he/she is malnourished, so also, the souls of the people in your care will perish if they are malnourished.

As you teach them prosperity, also teach them holiness. As you teach them about Christ’s love, don’t leave out the fact that He is also the consuming fire.

Don’t worry about the church’s growth, do what God has called you to do, and He will grow His church.

The apostles regularly warned the sheep about false teachers and their teachings (2 Corinthians 11:13-2 Peter 2:1). They were protecting them from wolves, and we must do the same.

There are all sorts of doctrines going around these days that are completely opposite to God’s word. Don’t ignore them; tell your people never to listen to such teachings.

If you don’t tell them to stay away from such teachings because you don’t want to offend anyone, you will leave them to be devoured by wolves.

Social media has created many opportunities for false teachers to confuse some of the sheep with their teachings.

The sheep may see someone working miracles and believe that he or she is a genuine minister of God.

They might start listening to the fellow’s teachings, so you must ensure that what they are listening to is not the lure of a wolf.

Teach your followers to be like the Berean Christians who always checked any teaching they heard against the word of God (Acts 17:10-11).

Whether you are a pastor, head of a department, house fellowship leader, or parent, if you have been placed as a spiritual leader over some people, it is your responsibility to ensure that the devil does not devour them.

Leaders: Teach the undiluted word of God Followers: Confirm all teachings like the Berean Christians.




1 Stand up, stand up for Jesus
ye soldiers of the cross;
lift high his royal banner,
it must not suffer loss.
From vict’ry unto vict’ry
his army he shall lead
till ev’ry foe is vanquished
and Christ is Lord indeed.

2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
the trumpet call obey;
forth to the mighty conflict
in this his glorious day.
Ye that are men now serve him
against unnumbered foes;
let courage rise with danger
and strength to strength oppose.

3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
stand in his strength alone;
the arm of flesh will fail you,
ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor,
each piece put on with prayer;
where duty calls or danger,
be never wanting there.

4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
the strife will not be long;
this day the noise of battle,
the next, the victor’s song.
To him that overcometh
a crown of life shall be;
he with the King of glory
shall reign eternally.





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