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Let’s Declare

My eyes are open to see the dangers of greed and why I should always choose God’s will over material gain, in the mighty name of Jesus

I recieve strengthen to walk in obedience, knowing that my Father in heaven will reward my faithfulness in due season, in Jesus’ name.

I reject every form of evil, even when it is disguised with financial benefits, in the mighty name of Jesus.

O Lord, let me never be in a hurry for wealth that I compromise my faith and integrity, in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that the love of money will never have dominion over me. I will serve God, not mammon, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and every other blessing will follow, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will wait on the Lord for His perfect timing, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that greed will not find a place in my heart; I am content in Christ, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will make decisions that honor God, even when faced with financial temptations, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will walk in integrity and honesty in all my financial dealings, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that my destiny will not be cut short by greed or covetousness, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will abound in blessings through faithfulness and patience, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will not envy those who gain wealth through unrighteous means; I trust in God’s plan for my prosperity, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that I will not bring trouble upon myself or my household by seeking ill-gotten wealth, in the mighty name of Jesus

Lord Almighty, bless your son, Pastor E.A.Adeboye; renew his strength, power and anointing, in Jesus’ name.

Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for all the testimonies on this platform, please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic declarations on this platform, in Jesus’ name

Somebody shout Hallelujah!

Go ahead and celebrate God for this declarations


We return all Glory to you Alone.


God bless You!







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