I worship You for You are the great deliverer; when You set free, You
set free indeed. Thank You for the grace to be associated with You,
thank You for being my help in ages past. Thank You for Your
faithfulness from everlasting to everlasting. I worship You the maker of
the heaven and earth.
thank You for justice for the oppressed and for food for the hungry;
thank You for setting me free from the prison of sin, and for opening my
eyes to behold the wonders in Your word.
thank You for lifting up my head when I am bowed down. Thank You for
watching over my going and coming and for bringing to ruin the ways of
the wicked.
Father, if there is any area of my life that is bondage, please set me free today and let me enjoy true freedom, in Jesus’ name.
just as You delivered the Israelites by Your mighty hand, please,
deliver my family and nation out of all forms of bondage, in Jesus’
Father, You are the Great I AM, arise and come to my rescue, and get me out from any form of prison I may be in, in Jesus’ name.
I decree, as many that are neck-deep in any evil association and they
desire to be set free, arise O Lord and rescue them from their prison,
in Jesus’ name.
Father, please deliver the oppressed today and set them free from the lies of the devil, in Jesus’ name.
no matter how terrible the depth of the prison that the oppressed had
been subjected to, it is written,”if the Son therefore shall make you
free, you shall be free indeed”; please, rescue them from their captors,
in Jesus’ name.
thank You for helping Your son, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye in all
areas of life. Please help him to remain fervent in spirit, serving You
and help him healthy; bless his ministry, home, and family (biological
and spiritual), and help them to remain a shining light forever, in
Jesus name.
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