Let’s Declare in Jesus’ name!
I bless this Tuesday with the blessing of my Father in heaven and I curse whatever is not of God Almighty in my life and household this day, in Jesus’ name
I repent of my sins and plead for mercy from my heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus
I bless the works of my hands and ask the Lord Almighty to make a way for me and my household where there seems to be no way, in Jesus’ name
This Tuesday, I cover myself and my household with the precious blood of Jesus
decree and declare that I will always be hungry for the Word of God and consistently renew my mind in Christ, in Jesus’ name

I declare that my passion for fellowship and Bible study will remain fresh, in the mighty name of Jesus
I decree that I will never become a stale Christian; I maintain my zeal for God and His Word daily, in Jesus’ name
I declare that I progress in my spiritual journey, advancing from spiritual milk to strong meat, in Jesus’ name
I decree and declare that I will never neglect daily Bible study, in the mighty name of Jesus
I declare that I boldly share the gospel with others, unashamed of the name of Jesus, just like a fresh Christian, in Jesus’ name
I decree and declare that I surrender any pride that hinders me from sharing God’s message with others, in the mighty name of Jesus
I declare that I continually grow in spiritual maturity while maintaining the passion and zeal of a new convert, in Jesus’ name
I decree that my heart remains humble and open to learning, in Jesus’ name
I declare that I consistently renew my mind with God’s Word and stay fresh and vibrant in my walk with Him, in Jesus’ name
Thank You, Father, for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and his household, and how You keep using him worldwide.
I decree and declare heaven responds to these prayers and declarations as I say them and I receive answers in Jesus’ name.
Thank You, Lord, for everyone in this community (RCCGONLINE.ORG).
Thank You Holy Spirit for all the testimonies and miracles coming through these declarations. May they be permanent in Jesus’ name.
Father, let everybody joining in to say these declarations all over the world experience great miracles throughout this month. May we have numerous testimonies in Jesus’ name.
Somebody shout Hallelujah!
See you tomorrow!
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